Do not Use Origin, benefits of different Facial Serum

Benefits of facial serum is very diverse, ranging from the damming of the skin to help cope with wrinkles. The materials contained in the serum to determine benefits you would get. Therefore, it is important for you to be careful in selecting and using them.

Facial serum is a skin care product that is rich in nutrients or certain active ingredients. With its lightness in the face and easy to absorb, the serum face became one of the many popular care products.

Do not Use Origin, benefits of different Facial Serum

Although it has a series of advantages compared to other care products, facial serum is likely irritation persists, especially if you do not fit in with the active ingredients in the serum. So you are not wrong, check out information about the content, benefits and how to use serum face below.

What Are The Benefits Of A Facial Serum?

The active ingredients contained in the serum to determine its benefits. You have to be meticulous in choosing. Different skin problems, different types of serum that you should use. The following explanation:

  • Serum for dry skin and sagging
Use of serum containing vitamin E, glycolic acid, and nicinamide to deal with skin scaly, dry and slack. Some products serum for dry skin and sagging also contains ceramide that is beneficial to keep the skin moist.
  • Serum for dark spots or blemishes on the skin
Select a serum containing ferulat acid (ferulic acid), kojic acid, azaleat acid, and vitamin C to tackle black spots or dark stains on the skin. Several products have the same benefits of a serum that might also contain arbutin, vitamin E, and glycolic acid.
  • Serum for skin breakouts
The serum contains salicylic acid and retinol (tretinoin) is beneficial to deal with skin breakouts. This content serves to prevent the occurrence of blockage in the pores, helps to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, while simultaneously easing inflammation due to acne.
  • Serum to slow aging (anti-aging serum)
Use of serum containing acid ferulat to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging (anti-aging). Often, the serum also contains anti-aging vitamin c. Vitamin C takes part to the growth of new collagen. Collagen is a natural substance produced by the body and acts against the brightness and the suppleness of the skin.

It is important to remember that not all serum is safe to use. If you have sensitive skin, then you have to be meticulous and careful in choosing the serum. Some serum contain substances that can make your skin irritation, among them:
  • Perfume.
  • Preservative, methylparaben and butylparaben like.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Plant extracts.
  • Solvent, like ethanol and propylene glycol.
  • The active ingredient of serum containing acidic substances, such as vitamin C, salicylic acid and tretinoin.

Tips Memilih Serum Wajah

Perhatikan kemasan saat akan membeli serum. Pilih produk dengan botol atau kemasan yang gelap dan mampu mencegah cahaya masuk. Paparan cahaya dapat merusak bahan aktif pada serum, sehingga mengurangi kualitasnya.

Sebelum menggunakan serum wajah secara rutin, lakukan tes alergi sederhana dengan mengoleskan sedikit serum ke kulit tangan, dan tunggu selama 48 jam. Jika muncul gejala alergi, seperti ruam dan gatal pada area kulit yang diberikan serum, jangan gunakan serum dan segera temui dokter.

Anda juga harus berhati-hati jika menggunakan dua produk yang mengandung asam secara bersamaan, contohnya serum vitamin C dengan krim retinol. Hal itu dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya iritasi.

Cara Menggunakan Serum Wajah dengan Benar

Serum wajah dapat digunakan pada pagi atau malam hari sebelum tidur. Jika Anda ingin menghemat penggunaan, cukup gunakan serum sekali sehari. Anda juga bisa mencampurkan beberapa tetes serum ke pelembap wajah yang biasa Anda gunakan sehari-hari. Setelah menggunakan serum wajah, usahakan wajah Anda tidak terpapar sinar matahari langsung.

Pastikan juga untuk selalu membersihkan wajah dengan air bersih dan sabun khusus wajah sebelum menggunakan serum. Bagi Anda yang memiliki kulit sensitif, hindari langsung menggunakan serum saat kulit masih basah. Tunggu 10-15 menit hingga kulit kering sepenuhnya. Menggunakan serum ketika kulit masih basah berpotensi besar menimbulkan iritasi.

Setelah wajah bersih, serum baru boleh diaplikasikan ke wajah. Tuangkan serum ke ujung jari, dengan takaran yang disarankan pada kemasan produk. Usapkan secara perlahan dan merata ke seluruh area wajah, lalu tepuk-tepuk dengan lembut.

Konsultasikan lebih lanjut dengan dokter kulit, jika bingung dalam memilih serum yang cocok. Dokter akan membantu Anda dalam melakukan perawatan dengan serum. Mulai dari cara menentukan serum yang sesuai dengan kondisi kulit Anda, cara penggunaan yang tepat, hingga cara meminimalkan risiko jika serum digunakan secara bersamaan dengan produk perawatan kulit lainnya.

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