This is a list of foods containing Collagen
Collagen is an essential protein found in connective tissue, cartilage, tendons, blood, bone, and the skin of our body. In order for the production of collagen in the body stay awake, grab your consumption of foods containing collagen.
Collagen function maintains the elasticity of the skin, forming a structure on the joints and tendons, protects organs in the body, to unify body parts such as bones and muscles.
Unfortunately, as you get older, the body's ability in producing collagen will be increasingly reduced. If it is like that, the skin becomes loose, lines and wrinkles are springing up, and cartilage in the joints become weaker.
Good food for the production of collagen
If you want to have smooth skin, soft, toned, supple, and looks youthful, perbanyaklah eating healthy foods. Especially, food containing vitamin C, vitamin A, anthocyanin, protein, zinc, copper, and alpha-hydroxy acids. A variety of food with the content believed to be able to increase the production of collagen in the body.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one type of antioxidant that can stimulate collagen production and ward off the ill effects of exposure to UV rays. Vitamin A can you get by eating tomatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables, mango, milk products, fish, shrimp, beef liver, cod liver oil, and eggs.
Vitamin C
Just like vitamin A, vitamin C is also capable of stimulating the production of collagen in the body and protects the body from free radicals. In addition, vitamin C can also prevent dry skin, as well as help slow the signs of aging and wrinkles. You can find this vitamin in oranges, stoberi, papaya, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables.
The relationships with
In addition to the two above, vitamin antosiain substance is also known to increase the production of collagen. The relationships themselves are color pigment found in fruit and vegetables. Foods that contain anthocyanin include grapes, pomegranates, berries, tomatoes, and beans.
The body changes the intake of protein we eat into amino acids. This amino acid is then used to form the body tissue and collagen. Protein obtained by consuming seafood, meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, soy beans, and fish.
Alpha hydroxy acids (Acetolactate Synthase)
Alpha-hydroxy acids are a group of natural acids found in foods. AHA can help increase collagen production by destroying old Collagen fibers and create a new one. AHAS can be found in oranges, apples, grapes, sugar cane, tomato, and lemon.
Mineral substances such as selenium, zinc, and copper has important functions in the production of collagen. It also serves as an antidote to free radicals that can damage the skin, helps the skin fight off bacteria, and produce collagen.
Collagen Enhancer Supplements
If the intake of collagen from various foods above have not been sufficient collagen needs daily, we may be taking collagen supplements. Of course with the advice from your doctor first.
Not only to fullfill the needs of collagen supplements daily, are also thought to be able to provide other benefits for the health of the body, such as:
If the intake of collagen from various foods above have not been sufficient collagen needs daily, we may be taking collagen supplements. Of course with the advice from your doctor first.
Not only to fullfill the needs of collagen supplements daily, are also thought to be able to provide other benefits for the health of the body, such as:
- Reduce inflammation and joint pain in people with disorders of the joints.
- Pengeroposan damage and inhibit bone.
- Maintain heart health and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Yuk, keep your body's production of collagen from now by eating foods containing collagen so skin, bones, muscles, and joints can function better.
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