Late menstrual periods 1 week is not necessarily Pregnant

Late menstruation 1 week is often associated with a sign of pregnancy, even though the fact is not necessarily the case. Other factors, such as stress and hormonal disorders, can also make duration come late. Late menstruation is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy, especially if the pregnancy test results are negative.

Menstruation is the process of releasing blood from a woman's uterus which occurs because the egg is not fertilized. Normal menstrual cycles for each woman vary. There is a cycle every 21 days, there are also every 35 days. During the time span between 21-35 days, it is still considered normal.

Some women may experience unusual menstrual delays, can be late for menstruation 1 week, even up to a month. Now, to find out what happens behind changes in your menstrual cycle, first understand the causes.

Causes of Menstruation Late 1 Week

There are several factors that can cause your menstrual cycle to change. If you experience late menstruation 1 week, some of the possibilities that you can think of are:

  • Pregnancy
As mentioned above, late menstruation is generally the initial sign that you are pregnant. To be sure, you can use a testpack at home or see a doctor.
  •     Breastfeeding
After giving birth, breastfeeding begins. These times often delay the arrival of postpartum menstruation.
  •     Lifestyle
Excessive exercise, frequent smoking, and severe stress can also make your menstrual cycle problematic, one of which is late menstruation.
  •     Changes in body weight
Having a eating disorder that causes drastic weight loss allows you to experience changes in the menstrual cycle. This condition often occurs in women with anorexia nervosa. In addition, excessive weight gain or obesity can also cause menstruation to be late.
  •     Medical condition
There are a number of diseases that can affect the menstrual cycle. Among them are thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pituitary tumors, adrenal gland disease, ovarian cysts, liver dysfunction, and diabetes. These diseases can cause body weight to drop dramatically, make the body deficient in nutrients, and cause malfunctioning hormones that can then cause menstruation do not occur.
  •     Side effects of drugs
Birth control pills, hormones that contain hormones, chemotherapy, blood pressure-lowering drugs, blood thinning drugs, pain medications, antidepressant drugs, and epilepsy drugs can also make irregular periods.
  •     Perimenopause
This condition is a period in which a woman is nearing menopause. Women who have entered the age of 40 usually start experiencing this. Signs and symptoms of perimenopause include late or irregular menstruation, frequent sweating and heat at night, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

Negative Testpack Results Not Necessarily Signs Not Pregnant

Late menstruation for 1 week may also indicate pregnancy, even though a testpack with urine test shows negative results. This might occur due to several things, namely:
  • Pregnancy tests are done too early. The hormone levels of pregnancy called the hCG hormone, at the beginning of pregnancy is still very low so it is not legible.
  • Pregnant hormone levels in urine that are insufficient. This can happen because you drink too much, or because you have a pregnancy test during the day or night.
  • The pregnancy test equipment used is damaged. If the results appear too long, the test equipment may be damaged or expired.

Many possibilities occur when you experience late menstruation 1 week. Certainty whether you are pregnant or just experiencing late menstruation is sometimes difficult to determine. Therefore, to get accurate results and proper treatment according to conditions, you are advised to see a doctor.

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